How do I connect the app and the roaster?

Bluetooth facilitated connectivity.
Written by IKAWA Home - Here for you
Updated 8 months ago

Simply turn on the roaster and turn on Bluetooth on your device, launch the IKAWA App and the roaster will connect to your device automatically. 

You will know what the roster has connected when your device reads ‘Roaster Connected’ This can take a couple of minutes and if you are struggling to connect then check out our Bluetooth Troubleshooting. 

Tips and Tricks 


You may need to allow new connections when you connect for the first time. After this, your phone and roaster will connect as soon as you have Bluetooth on. 

The status bar at the bottom of your screen will change from ‘Looking for Roaster’ to ‘Connected to roaster’.


 You will need to ensure location permissions are granted.

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